Trip Report - March 10-13

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by New_York_Witty, Mar 15, 2011.

  1. New_York_Witty

    New_York_Witty Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Hi all,

    I'd rather be honest than sugar coat my feelings, so thank you for those of you who took my comments at face value. I'm not drawn to five star resorts and I don't have an iPad, so for the low-blow commentors, I'm dismayed that you would go break out "yuppie"-type insults. I lived in a tree house in Hawaii for two years with no running water and a whole in the ground for a toilet--I'm really not that into physical luxuries or possessions!!

    When I posted my report I was trying to be as clear as possible about the things that were important to me (food, drinks, beach).

    I regret adding the sentence about sophisticated conversation; I was thinking of the 100 times I was asked when my top was coming off. It was a generalization specific to someone like me, who was not there to hook up, trying to have conversations with people who were primarily on the prowl.

    As for the person who asked me to post my favorite drink, I did highly recommend the Mexican Blow Job and also posted a favorable mention of the red house at the Italian restaurant.

    For the commentor who suggested I try the other restaurants, the only one I *didn't* try was the Asian. I gave it my all, food-wise! :)

    For the rest of you who said I'm the 1% you're glad don't like the place, well, you may be right but for the wrong reasons. I value sightseeing and exploring the host country's culture on my vacations, and TTR is more of a sedentary enjoyment. Sometimes opposites attract, sometimes they don't.

    Many people on this site have a close connection to the resort and posters on this board. Many times I've seen people comment wondering where all the newbies disappear to after their initial posts; I didn't want to take advantage of all the knowledge and input on this site without a trip report. I also thanked everyone for the atmosphere they've created here, and while at the resort I told many people about this wonderful site. If you'd rather ostracize me for a blunt post than take it at face value, so be it, but it was surprising to read the viscous comments when so many other reports that have said far worse get thumbs up.

    I did have a nice vacation, for whoever was casting doubt on my ability to have a good time; it's just that I've had better vacations riding horses through the Irish rough eating ham sandwiches for seven days or for exploring every inch of Curacao with only a flask of Malibu...

    So did you scare me off or call me out, as Deereman suggested, or pigeon hole me into a catergory of smug people who just don't "get it", as others posted? I've read other reviews here and on Trip Advisor that were far more negative and hostile toward the result.

    It's fascinating to see this community circle the lounge chairs, so to speak. I did read the thread about not leaving a friend behind (I've been reading this site since I booked my trip!), and many of the posters are admirable in the way they reach out to friends new and old alike.

    I'm sure I could refute each comment, but those that read my post with an open mind were kind enough to post as such and the rest already made up their minds. I've been guilty of being verbose and condescending before, but just as guilty of drinking in a parking lot.

    Have a great trip the next time you're there, and maybe wish me well as I head off to Vieques instead of telling me off. :)

  2. sands

    sands Regular Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    I have to say I agree with the food comment. I thought it was terrible! I did enjoy my 2 dinners at the Asian place, and omelets in the morning were great, but I came home 3 lbs lighter because most meals I couldn't find anything I enjoyed. We are still heading back though in a few weeks, because we had so much fun! Whether Chinos has the same spiel over again or not I laughed my ass off:)
  3. VinNDrunkE

    VinNDrunkE Regular Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I don't know you and I haven't been to TTR yet, but I believe the reason many people had such an issue with your review is that you highlighted everything negative and very little, if any, positives. You understand how passionate everyone here is about this resort so a TR like this is kind of offensive. Most people here don't know you IRL so this review makes it seem as though you're kind of snooty. From what I've read here, my feeling of the resort is a place to let loose and be someone you wouldn't normally be at home. That includes drinking insane amounts of alcohol, taking my top off at the pool, and playing crude games by the pool. I'm not expecting a pristine beach, relaxing ambiance, or 5-star dining. I'm not going to TTR as a reason to explore Mexico. My husband and I both have very demanding careers and small children. We want to act crazy and enjoy an "adult spring break" as has been described here numerous times.

    I appreciate honest feedback but it seemed as though you were just looking for things to complain about. I'd like to explain why your review sounded the way it did by pointing out how many negatives and positives were in your report. I believe you should have just posted this on TripAdvisor (which I saw you did) and not on this board.

  4. Brewster

    Brewster I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 12, 2010
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    Zoe....when's your top coming off?

    lol...Awww, come on.... I had to. ;)
  5. New_York_Witty

    New_York_Witty Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    V&E - If you read trip advisor recently, you surely read far worse than what I wrote, from people just back recently. I wrote what stuck out, and as you (quite politely) pointed out, more of it was negative than positive. My trip was a big let down on the three things I valued most: food, drinks and beach. I read many reports here that simply said how awesome everything was and wanted to give voice to some things/opinions that weren't addressed.

    As for the Mayan coffee, to explain it would be to give away the secret--just like no one told me what it was. It was neat to see...even if it did taste like a stale cigar.

    I should also explain that we didn't partake of the nightlife on Thursday b/c we were getting up at 5am Friday to go to Chichen-Itza, on Friday because we were exhausted from hiking the ruins and swimming in the cenotes, and on Saturday b/e we passed out after dinner. Not because we didn't think it would be fun! We're two single girls living in NYC...the nightlife wasn't of as much interest to us. If we had three kids to chase, we might want a very different type of vacation. :)

    Here are some positives:
    -the resort felt VERY, VERY safe
    -free parking for the rental car
    -fresh fruit juices at the buffet
    -nice transition from "just waking up" music mid-morning, to "let's party" music by mid-afternoon
    -you will NEVER feel more patriotic, regardless of your nationality :)
    -generous portions, regardless of bar or restaurant
    -very clean rooms, pool and grounds
    -fully staffed in all areas, so very little wait in all regards
    -luggage ticket in the lobby insures no one will walk away with your suitcase if you have early check in or late check out
    -resort is designed so that you don't feel crammed in room, beach or pool

    Hopefully that evens it out a bit!

    :) Zoe
  6. Brewster

    Brewster I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 12, 2010
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    I have to agree, Zoe. I wouldn't choose TTR as a home base for a cultural, sight seeing vacation. TTR is a destination in itself. It's like staying at a Disney World hotel so you can go out and see the ocean, maybe a shuttle launch.

    Anyway, hope your next vacation is great. :)
  7. New_York_Witty

    New_York_Witty Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Thanks, Brewster! I hope I find a board for it as great as this one is for TTR!

    Maybe I'll learn to tie a looser knot on my bikini top _just_ in case I have more flair by then and will finally get to hear what comes next in a conversation after "When are you going to take your top off?" ;)
  8. glenn/monique

    glenn/monique Titties n Beer Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    My positives are the staff, the people I meet to which I now call my friends and taking my top off. It's freeing and a experience that frees women from the big boob/ little boob syndrome we all grew up with or the feeling of being self conscious. I grew up being teased about my tah tahs and at TTR I am nothing but complimented. It's completely changed the way I view my body and because of that I contiually come back for a huge dose of TTR twice a year.
  9. Brewster

    Brewster I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 12, 2010
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    LOL ..that would make a great thread all on it's own.

    What comes after, "When you are going to take your top off?"
  10. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I'd like to add my thanks for posting your report.

    It's not often we get negative reports and when we do I think they are just as valuable as positive ones for people to decide whether TTR is a place they would enjoy. So, I would ask that folks dont get too critical in their replies please.
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