Thoroughly agree with you there! I dressed for dinner after the cruise I attended, only to realise I was way too drunk to even eat without making a show of myself. Put myself to bed about 6pm for a nap, and pretty much passed out. Woke up at 12:30am a little shaky and starving. Made it out to Paty O's for a few drinks and a burger! Steve's cruise really does take it out of you! Sounds like you had a great trip BTW, apart from the fall you had. Definitely sounds like a concussion to me. We missed you by a couple of days - we left on 24th Jan.
Great trip report. So many people seem to have accidents on the slippery tile floors, sorry you were added to the "injured list". Knocking on "wood" that our 3rd trip is injury free!!!
Great trip report Mike ,Told U you'd be hooked !!! Feeling bad about failing to tell U not to run on tile when it rains !!lol We will tip a few down the road I'm sure.....
You answered some of my questions So my wife and I were talking this morning about our trip coming up in a couple weeks. She said she likes the "anything goes" kind of atmosphere. If we want to make out in the pool we can. Sex on the balcony, we can (thanks for that information). Fun at the pool area, no problem. Is that basically all correct? Or are there "limitations" on the public fun we can have with each other. I have read posts about security guards - trying to keep people in line. We wouldnt want to get in trouble.