well i made it back DEZ was great meeting you as well i did keep the party going till sat when i left but i had replacements. i try to post later.
Let your hair down & enjoy yourselves! Here's a BOOOO-YAHHHH!!!!! For good luck. From me to you!!!! Dez
Bless you - and a BOOOO-YAHHHHH from the UK!!! I cant wait to get there at the end of next month!!!! Max
Oh dont you worry Dez and Cube - I WILL be having a few drinks for you both seeing as its my birthday the day after we arrive (jus have to avoid Lalo for the day cuz I aint getting spanked!!) Can't wait for some R n R - Mind you - I always feel like a need a bloomin break when I get home LOL :lol:
Don't forget Chinos & Omar!! When Hot chicks are around, It's a Triple Threat from them!!!! Good luck & Happy early Birthday!!! You're just lucky I'm not there!! It would be a Quadruple Threat!!!! (With your permission) :lotsofmichaelf: BOOOOOOOOO-YAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dez!!!