trip report,, feb

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by Kev n Chris, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. Kev n Chris

    Kev n Chris Enthusiast Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2010
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    Torbay, Devon, England
    +1 / 0
    Haveing just got home and looking back, we enjoyed our two weeks there. This was our third trip so is obvious we enjoyed the pervious ones.
    BUT,, we are very much concerened that the hotel are trying to sofen the place down. The entertainment staff struggled, possiby the loss of Chinos,, good news for some, bad for others. The place is looking a little tired, take the Patyo bar, always a fantastic magical looking place at night all lit up, now no lights and looking very dull. The watersprts equipment was in very poor state and possible dangerous. The trampolnies on the hobby cats torn to the shreads, a mast broke, down to the wind,,, sorry thought they were sailing boats, wasnt even windy.
    The wind surfers hardly came out, understood due to poor state of repair. There was a couple of fights in the hallways which one went on from 3am to 7 am some pissed blokes trying to knock each others doors down.
    ON the up side,, the food was good, rooms good, staff excellent, company great. And we enjoyed ourselves.
    Some people complained about the large goups of single males, this wasnt really a problen although sercurity chucked 2 out of a group of 4 off the resort for being a pain in ahe arse, They really deserved that and the hotel has our thanks for that. A couple of girls got into trouble for getting naked in paty's one evening, in view of the fact its an adult place couldnt see what the issue was there as it didnt offend anyone.

    Like to think the hotel will address the problems, after all the one bad holiday stops people going back. Will we go for a forth time ??? Not sure, like to think so
  2. matchandahalf

    matchandahalf Guest

    +0 / 0
    Thanks for your trip report.

    It's worrisome to hear about single guys being disruptive yet again. I am concerned that if those incidents continue, the resort will elect to go "couples only", and as a solo traveller I'll be entirely shut out of the Temptation resorts, given that the Cabo resort is now changing to the couples-only Desire concept. :(
  3. Canadian_couple

    Canadian_couple Enthusiast Registered Member

    Feb 7, 2012
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    South Eastern Ontario
    +0 / 0
    Just tag along with another couple say you are polygamist claim there restricting your regilous freedom lol
  4. Gibs

    Gibs Regular Registered Member

    Feb 17, 2012
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    +27 / 0
    I dont think the answer would be to make it couples only - at least I hope not! Even a couple can become disruptive. Hopefully the resort would instead use a tolerance policy.
  5. vacationfun2

    vacationfun2 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    +350 / 1
    Thanks for the report.

    We have alternated between TTR and the GP for the reasons you have listed. We anticipate the best and nekkid at pattyo's is a bad thing, according to security, it never use to be!

    Thanks again, and we will provide an update in a few weeks!
  6. Stewarts

    Stewarts Regular Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    We were there Feb 12- 19th The pool fight was ridicules. My wife was stalked by some single guy for an entire day and night. Kind of funny that someone would waste there time following us around all day and night. Had to walk her to the bathroom. She wen't to the bathroom by Patyo bar alone once and he followed her in. I had to remove him, I had a clenched fist and almost destroyed his face, but thought better of it and told him to stay the fuck away or I will have him removed from the resort.
    Besides the bathroom thing it didn't really bother us much. We actually thought it was funny and there were enough of us cancuncare folks to get in between him and my wife. :aktion061:
  7. stl_couple

    stl_couple Regular Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2011
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    St. Louis, MO
    +0 / 0
    Good report, thanks!
  8. steelersguy

    steelersguy Regular Registered Member

    Mar 5, 2011
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    +4 / 0
    Nice restraint.. That couldn't have been too easy...

  9. **fancy**pants**

    **fancy**pants** Addict Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2012
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    Oregon, USA
    +71 / 0
    Sorry to hear that. What a bummer. :(

    I felt completely safe when I was there and there were plenty of nights that I would walk from Patty O's to my room and back alone without ever worrying. The only creepy thing that happened when I was there was when I was walking up the stairs to my friends room. There was a guy that came out of his room as I started going up the stairs and he walked over, crouched down, and looked up my skirt as I went up. He didn't even try to hide what he was doing. [​IMG] He was a single guy that had come down with a large group of men from Mexico City.
  10. Western Iowa Traveler

    Western Iowa Traveler Guru Registered Member

    May 1, 2009
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    We were there for the tail end of you stay and have to say that I don't really agree... didn't notice anything wrong with Patyo's, though I cant speak for the hobie cats, and other sports equipment that you mentioned because we were not interested in those things. We thought the entertainment staff did a very good job. No one is going to replace Chinos, but we felt that the new chick, Amy I think held her own. Never had a problem finding people to participate and everyone enjoyed. We also never had ANY problems with single guys, matter of fact we only noticed 1 single guy there and he was very respectful, great guy and an absolute riot. This was our 3rd time and we really felt that the place was just as clean and kept up as any of our previous stays

    One other question, what did you mean by toned down? just asking.

    Thats the beauty of this forum, everyone is entitled to their opinion, btw, was nice to see you guys again, hope you do decide to return there again.
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