I cant tell if I was laughing or crying during some of those pics of me, Such great evidence for sobriety but what a good time. And I must say, woody is still one up on me, cuz I never kissed a man on the lips, just let him stick a plunger in the paper roll, while I wore boobs ummm maybe Im one up on him lol
Nice trip report. It was great meeting you guys. I've got a nice pic of you wearing Joyce's Ravens visor. Your second favorite NFL team right. lol. Our flight from Chicago to Baltimore got delayed. We were stuck there for 3 hours and got to Baltimore at 1:30am. When we landed, we found out that our flight was one of last ones to leave Chicago that night. They stopped all flights due the weather. But hey what's a little flight delay compared to good time with good friends. :daveandmo:
I have to agree; you to were awewsome and a lot of fun. We enjoyed spending time and having fun with you too. You two do know how to have a great time!
Great TR it was wonderful meeting you both, good times lots of laughs, ah to be back there..Hope we can all meet up again next year...or maybe sooner..