Hi everyone. Darcy and I are home, safe but tired. We need a vacation after our vacation! Before I get into details of our trip, let me go ahead and give everyone our first impressions of the resort, people, etc. We'll do a photo album in a week or so when we get everything organized. Darcy and I had been looking at Temptations for years (back when it was Blue Bay Getaway). We always though it sounded right down our alley, but we never quite had the guts to book it. We're typically a quiet couple, but we enjoy romantic sexy vacations, but we don't drink a lot. Reviews you read about Temptations (BBG) are either fantastic or horrible. We were excited to come when we read the good ones, and afraid we'd be in frat party hell when we read the bad ones. Let me set the record straight from the viewpoint of first timers that don't necessarily want to get drunk or too crazy. GO TO TEMPTATIONS. PERIOD. From what we saw and experiences, everyone was there to relax, let go and have fun. Everyone was very nice. There was no pressure to do anything other than be yourself and have fun. As far as accommodations and service: I don't think the rooms, the resort, or the service was anything special. I will say the exception to this for us was the speciality restaurants. Every single one of them was fabulous - both the food and service. We tipped one of the waiters $20 two nights in a row (Manuel, or as Darcy called him, Antonio (Banderas)). He catered to our every whim and more - suggesting our selections, bringing champagne without our asking, etc. The room was ok, but there was basically nowhere to unpack 3 suitcases of clothes. Just some hanging space and some very small drawers. The resort itself was nice, but not in the same class as the other resort we stayed at last year (Dreams). The service was ok, but again, not in the class of Dreams (again, except at the restaurants). We did not like the timeshare pitch, which ended in a pretty high pressure sell. All that said, I have nothing else bad to say - and the atmosphere created by the staff and the guests made this trip second to none for us. People that have not been - don't expect the Ritz... but expect to enjoy yourselves, the company and have fun. Ok... On to what we did... 9/9 Tuesday We checked in around 3pm. We were forced to talk to the people in charge of time share sales (not that they admitted that) before getting our room keys. They presented it as a welcome information meeting and scheduled us for that meeting the next day - it was really an appointment to sell us the timeshare. The room was not ready yet, but they let us change and head to the pool. We loved the sexy pool from the start. The pool is really pretty and everyone was relaxed and having fun. We met a nice couple from England (sorry guys, don't remember both names, and we should - we talked to you alot... Steve & ??? She danced witn Darcy at C&C later). Rain chased us back to our rooms too soon - but it came down pretty hard after an hour and we got cold. We decided to try out the jacuzzi on our patio with some hot water. We were a bit disappointed at how long the tub took to fill (very poor water pressure) and a little disturbed about the oil from the previous peoples "drops of love" service coming out of the jets (yuck - what else was in there???).... but the tub on the covered patio was great to have - it warmed us up in more ways than one Warmed up and ready to eat - we ate at the Mexican buffet and then got some sleep (we'd been on the go since 5am for the trip) before we headed off to Senor' Frogs. The Temptations bus was mostly early twenty somethings this night, so we felt a bit out of place (we're early forties)... as it turns out - other nights were a much better mix for us.... Regardless, once we survived the very rowdy bus of very drunk brits we had a blast dancing and partying with everyone. Darcy danced more than me (typical, as I am not very good . One guy asked her to dance with his brother as it was his birthday - so I took a needed break while they danced for a bit. The highlight (for me) was when she got amply embarrassed on stage... They called a bunch of women up on stage.... Once there were up there they called one guy up for a lap dancing contest! Darcy didn't win, but it was fun to watch anyway! Hard to compete with single women dropping their tops and rubbing their boobs in the guys face!! :shock: :shock: :shock: 9/10 Wednesday Most of the day was ruined by rain, but we did get to have fun. They had the Latin Dance show in Nice Shoes, and we danced all night until they closed it down. A ton of pictures later. We met a couple there (John and Laura) (pictures to come in a later post) and talked to them forever. Hugs all around when they kicked us out. 9/11 Thursday We found out pretty quick that the rain Wednesday had us drinking more than we ought to. Darcy and I both needed most of the day to recover. We did make it out to the sexy pool for the mens Belly Flop context (go Davey) and then got some more sleep before heading to the Asian restaurant. The food was fantastic. Unfortunately, you can't do doggy bags (I don't understand this) and Darcy was eating sparingly still recovering from the Tequilla, so much of her dinner went un-enjoyed. She was fully recovered for the evening lingerie show, PJ casino night, and the contest though. (Yes, pictures coming in the picture post to follow soon and even some video). 9/12 Friday This was our first day to spend all day in the sexy pool. The weather was great, the sun beautiful, and the people so friendly. We took part in the "Perfect Couple" contest. Being together 23 years, I think we had the other three couples beat in years (adding all of theirs together) and we still finished last.... Darcy's answers were always "nicer" to me than mine, and I was too cute with my answers.... We got 2/10 right Cal and Michelle (wave) saw us in the game and introduced themselves and John and Donna (wave). We can't say thank you enough that they broke the ice with us. It made it so much easier for us to have them to talk to and as a link to meet other people. You guys (all four) were great and we loved meeting you all and spending time together. That night, we went on the booze cruise with Cal/Michelle/John/Donna. The trip out on the boat was really enjoyable. It was a beautiful night, great company, and relaxing. The cruise went to CarlosnCharlies for dinner. We were packed in on a small table but we made it work. We really enjoyed the food and got a little crazy on stage. Darcy ended up dancing on the pole (1st time ever folks) with one of the people we met on day one (Steve's wife - God I hate my memory - anyone remember her name? So sorry hun! ). We were a bit shocked at how far a body shot event went..... just imagine a lot of whip cream and a line of people to have some... 9/13 Saturday Saturday already? get serious.... Time was going so fast. We spent another full day in the sexy pool. Lots of sun, entertainment by the cast, good conversation and relaxing. I think this was the day of the Miss Temptations contest. I hid quickly behind Darcy when the contestants were instructed to fetch as many men's suits from the pool as they could Had this contest been on our last day, I don't think I would have cared either way. As they say - no one knows you - and no one cares. It was very funny watching the guys - some meek and some bold - fetch their suits from the jacuzzi afterwards - some wives fetched them for them Our dinner was at the Italian restaurant. Right after we sat down, John/Donna/Cal/Michelle walked in, so we combined tables and had a nice dinner together (guys - I hope we didn't intrude - you sure made us feel welcome - so thanks). The food was great as was the company. We found out that John tore a tendon in his hand during the water sports How's the hand John? We tried the nice shoes bar after for dancing, but was dead so we went back out to Sr Frogs again and danced until they booted us out. Darcy and I really relaxed and danced our butts off and had fun. 9/14 Sunday We slept in and headed out to watch football at Hooters. There is no way I was missing a Colts game. Almost on queue (as to not ruin a day of our trip) they came back to make a huge comeback at the end and win. We followed that up with our first time ever para-sailing. What an experience. So beautiful, relaxing and fun. The dunked us a few times in the water (asked us before we went up) which was a blast too. This was a bench - not a harness type - I guess for beginners like us. We made the rest of the day a quiet one, having TexMex for dinner (Darcy wore my favorite dress - yes yes - pictures...) We met Manuel there (our waiter - and best service we've ever had anywhere). He made our dinner together perfect - great suggestions for food, always there if we needed anything - and most of all - he seemed genuinely happy to be there are to serve us. 9/15 Monday Last full day - this can't be right.... We decided to hang in the sexy pool all day, meet more people and just relax. Darcy was a judge for the Mr. Temptation contest (no - she didn't give up her bottoms either when the men had to fetch some). Dinner was a highlight of the day at the Caribbean restaurant. Manuel was our waiter again and topped his service from the night before with un-requested champagne and just being a lot of fun. He nicknamed Darcy Selma (Hayek) since she called him Antonio (Banderas). We got pictures and some hugs before heading out on the Party Hoppers tour for the night. The tour took us from the Corona Bar -> Senior Frogs (yes I know - 3 times - we love the place) and the City. We had what has to be the best night of clubbing we've ever had. We met several nice couples - danced with alot of people we just met. I was in a contest where I had to act like a drunken chicken and damn near fell off the stage. Had 3 women push me up there. We got crazy at the City too - tons of dancing... We ended up sitting with a very nice young couple between dancing at the City - crazy how well 20s and 40s can bond and relax. We talked about when we dated years ago, and they asked about staying together as long as we have... we just plain had fun and hit it off. Really funny thing - we did Party Hoppers last year - and we got the same staff waiter for the tour - Daniel. He remembered us and treated us great. We got in the front off all three lines and he took care of us so well, pictures, DJ requests, holding onto our stuff all night... Just a great time. 9/16 Tuesday Time to go home Pretty quiet day of goodbyes, paperwork and travel. Its nice to be home, but nicer to be at Tempations (although I don't think I could do more than 7 days - we did so much - I think 7 days is perfect).
great tr "People that have not been - don't expect the Ritz... but expect to enjoy yourselves, the company and have fun" so true rob and tonyass
Great trip report! Wow... they only took them to the jacuzzi? Things are sounding a little bit tamer.
Great TR... it reminded me of stuff I had forgot from my trip..lol.. Hope we didn't leave too much stuff in the Jacuzi for you guys...haha... We really enjoyed ours.. looking forward to the pics..
Cant wait to see the photos. Sounds like you all had a great time. When I was there last time we happened to be there for TWO Ms. Temptaions and the first week they only took them to the jacuzzi (and i thought that was pretty lame since last year I saw the other) but then the next week I was expecting them to take them to the jacuzzi again but they went to the ocean with them...maybe it just depends on how lazy they are feeling. Whatever the case is taking them to the ocean is SO much funnier cause it seems like none of them drunkards are expecting it! LOL! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey you two - I remember seeing you there - I'm sorry I didnt come and say hi! Unfortunatley -I did drink quite a bit whilst I was there so everything was a little blurry sometimes!! (Hey I'm a Nurse - I have to let my hair down sometimes!!) Glad you had a good time!! Maybe next year eh? Maxine xxxxx
love hearing from someone that has been there the 1st time.....and what you said is right on the spot. We loved it because we could be ourselves and not worry about it great TR, can't wait for the pictures......
Thanks for all the great replies. Maxine, I remember way back when you were going to be a first timer... we've been reading this board that long! You made it there much faster that us! Lets see if we can't meet next time! Paul & Darcy