Bullet, great to meet you and Marlene. Thanks for welcoming us into the crew the minute we arrived! We met you and Lorenzo at the sexy pool and right away you handed us our Cancuncare bracelets and we were off! Sure hope we can manage to come back for our second trip next year to see all our new friends and fellow chaos crew members! The pasties were pretty hot...we have to get you to practice getting those tassles to swing next time round. Hope Marlene felt better as the day went on the day you left!!! Cheers
Yes, you guys definitely better come back. :daveandmo:Gotta sign up for tassle classes. Marlene did feel better and had the next day off so the 20 hours of sleep was much needed. I, on the other hand suffered through work. :icon_rolleyes:
Security Almost forgot about my thoughts on security during our week there. There was definitely some stuff going on at the pool and on the paty o's dancefloor that did not get stopped. However, one night on the dancefloor, there were 3 topless girls basically being held up by 3 guys in a circle. The 3 girls were rubbing and grabbing everything on each other. I saw security come and he was obviously looking for them because he didn't see them for a while. This led me to believe that unless someone complains, they would not have stopped it. Not sure if guests complained or if he got a call from other security or someone saw it on a camera but other than that, they were unnoticed.
Hey you two, I have to say that dinner with both of you was an absolutely great time. That's the nice thing about dinner at the specialty restaurants, it is a different atmosphere and you get a chance to chat and find out a lot about other couples. Hopefully the schedule will work out next year and we will see you then. Larry
Yes, so many great times but dinner stands out because it's one of the few times there isn't music blaring all around and you can really get to know people better. We'll plan on being there on and around Marlene's B-day on the 9th again. Happy Holidays!!!!
yes bullet we remember chatting to you both of you at the asian restaraunt and enjoyed it, also by the pool i tried to give a impromptu flash of my wifes bits as we left but it was so quick that i think you missed it
Yes I did miss it....but I caught more than a bit at the dancing after the aerobic workout. Well done!
Great TR....lots of great info....we had a blast with you two and the rest of the chaos crew. Marlene was great, I loved her. Tell her to keep going to the gym to gain strength for the arm wrestling. I'm sure she won this year and was cheated out. We hope to meet up again next year. Keep in touch. Cheers, Denise and Mario