If you have Blue Cross, check your coverage. We have GeoBlue included in our coverage. 24 hour concierge service. With this coverage, we seldom buy travel insurance. Call us stupid or lucky but we have not had a problem in over a dozen trips. As long as medical is covered I feel OK with it. Our luggage has been lost a few times but always got it back quickly. Insurance would have made no difference. Shit happens! Do what you are comfortable with. Chances are low that something will happen but again Shit Happens.
we have great medical monique has a great extended policy I buy extra so i think we are covered we dont buy trip plan not worth it in my opinion. miss a trip lose bags not important MEDICAL IS A MUST!!
We always go to an AAA office and get the medical evacuation insurance. Heart Attack/Head Split Open.. that is the kind of stuff that worries me. The package we get offers $1,000,000 in evacuation coverage for less that $100 for both of us.
I looked into Geoblue and medical coverage for the two of us would be about 50 bucks. I think this is a great option. I am not too worried about the bags, just getting hurt.