Well we have been back from TTR for about three weeks and I'm ready to go back already. This was our first time going in June and the weather was not fantastic. Some rain most days and one night was monsoon like but it's still vacation and more importantly it'sTTR. We celebrated our 14 year anniversary with a nice dinner at the Italian restaurant. As always at TTR we met some great couples, Sandy and Maggy who were on our flight had a great time with them and will be visiting them soon as they live an hour from us. Got to spend some tim with Tim Tara another couple from Ontario. Everyone we met or talked to was great as usual. Anyone that was there at the time must remember the guy Kenneth that was dubbed "Dr Evil" harmless really but he kept dancing around the sexy pool and pulling his dick out every chance he got. Got old real quick. Aside from his antics everyone else was great. Glad we got to see Amy before she headed. Back to England. Lots to drink and despite some rain and clouds we got a lot of color. Leanne had a spill one night and hurt her ribs and ended up with a bruise on her ass cheek that started out looking like a lip stick kiss mark and by med week resembled a heart shape. Artistic injury is a unknown form of art that's making a run towards becoming mainstream. Great to see all our favorite bartenders again. Oliver, Jack, victor and big victor, Pedro Danny and Johnny. These guys always take good. Care of us and we enjoy the interactions with them. Overall another great week at Temptations. Hope to see a good bonus at work and may venture down again in September.
good report, that is Why I like May better weather before Rain season starts. glad you had a good time
Here's something I pulled out of James' TR, am going to take liberties with, then send back out to everyone (Yes, this means you, gentle reader). "Here's to wishing that everyone has a great bonus at work this year, and gets yourselves back to TTR for yet another crazy, drunken, sexy, partytime, sexy, goofy, drunken, hilarious, lazy, drunken, slutty, naked, sexy, drunken, relaxed but still energetic vacation!" My repeater-people like JamesToronto rock and I've not met him yet...