Thanks Glen and Dawn. This one has me stressed out, but I won't give up! Thanks for all the great ideas.
Celine Dion has a show here in Vegas. Not sure she's "Hollywood" enough tho. Planet Hollywood Hotel is owned by a few celebs. I know Silvester was here for the opening of "Rocky Balboa", maybe calling the hotel and explaining to them might work. Also, I worked a long time ago at Sony Studios but I doubt any of my connections are still there. If you call the studios they might hook you up with someone. The other celeb could be Arnold, since he lives at the Govs mansion. He might be more available for a picture. Give him a call, I call our gov in Nevada all the time and believe it or not, he answers. Sigfried and Roy are not very "hollywoorthy", huh? I see them often here in Vegas. Paris isn't in the slammer yet, you could go visit. How about calling Oprah? I'd like to see her refusing a pic for a worthy cause. Is Wane Newton "Hollywood enough? I know where he lives. Best of luck!
Her performs at Harrahs. He's been in a few movies too, so that is another idea.. Tony Braxton is at Flamingo, and Louie Armstrong is at The Excalibur.. He does a comedy bit. He's had his own cartoon, and also has been the host of Family Feud.. He's like $50 some bucks I think.
Louis Armstrong ? :shock: you mean Anderson? I'm sure there's some Hollywood celeb doing a charity golf tournament or other public appearance in Montana.
This Hollywood celebrity has to be found in Montana before June 9th. Otherwise, one needs to be found somewhere else who is willing to have a picture taken. The item this morning is a backstage pass to the February Nickelback concert in Billings, MT. I'm working on it! Thanks for all the great ideas!
Oops lmao.. Thanks, Dennis... Hey, if it was a NIckelback Fan Club pass, I had you covered.... Good Luck
Yeah, it has to be a backstage pass from their Feb concert in Billings...sorry it's not easier! I'm working on the celeb picture and there are some good possibilities shaping up!
I have obtained a backstage pass from the February Nickelback concert in Billings! And I'm on the hunt for a celebrity to take a picture with me! It's only a matter of time. I SHALL PREVAIL! Those poor celebrities! They don't know crazy til they see me coming!