Hello, We usually take travelers checks with us on vacation. Will most restaurants accept them? Thanks. Michelle
if u haven't read them yet, be sure to read the STICKY posts at the top of the forum. there is wealth of great info there. u can also use the SEARCH function, as this is a frequent question. in a nutshell, one of the best and easiest ways to handle money in Cancun is to use ATMs. check with your bank for fees, and talk to a few people there, as you will often get different answers.
Don't see too many people using traveller's cheques at restaurants and stores. If you take TC's with you, much better to just cash a few at a time at one of the many money exchange places throughout Cancun, and pay at restaurants and stores with cash.
Depending on where you are stay you may have a hard time cashing them at your resort. Many don't want to take them. Personally, I don't think theyare worth the hassle you will encounter with them.
I agree with Klaw. We brought them the first time we were in Cancun and they are a hassle. Since then we just brought cash and exchange to pesos at either the bank or cambio. That or use the ATM's.
Thanks for all the replies. I have decided not to take them. We always take them to Aruba and use them everywhere. I guess Mexico is different. Anyway...I'm glad I asked. Thanks again. Michelle