Ok, may be a bit late for this but what I would like, If at all possible is the following 2, dark blue, fitted ( not the caps with the elasticated band on the back ) size 7 3/8's caps with either the ' B ' for the redsox on them or NYC for the yankee's. Both would be great ( 2 of each ) and I'm not expecting the same person to fork out for all of them but if you want the cost of them in cash obviously or any English football , Cricket or Rugby items in return just shout up. Please post or email below who can provide what in return for your favoured method of payment.*** Cheers in advance Ian :lol: *** Jason, please note showing your girlfirend the time of her life is a payment option, ok :wink:
Ian, If you don't get any other takers I'd be more than happy to pick those up fo you and and trade those for some English football jerseys. Dany absolutely loves them!!! Since I won't be in cancun at the same time as you we could do the trade by post. Let me know. :lol:
Cheers Karan, Already got Danny and one of the other bartenders who also looked after us equally as well ' Sheffield Wednesday ' home shirts ( figured they'd already be inundated with all the top Premiership and England tops so a bit of originality wouldnt go amis ) If i struggle for the caps I'll PM you if thats ok :lol: Cheers Ian :lol: :lol:
That's definitely okay, Ian. And I'm sure Dany will be thrilled with Sheffield Wednesday home shirts. He wears the english jerseys al the time when he's not at work.
Ian, I'll get you a Redsox hat (two if you disvow anything Yankee). If you had told me earlier, I could have gotten you a Yankees suck!! shirt too. Marissa has my contact info. Me and Dennis will be in touch via walkie talkie too when in Cancun. Otherwise, I'll just see you at the party on the 18th.
Cheers Harry, Someones already been in contact and has sorted the stuff out for me ( loving this board :lol: ), However if anybody wants any other sport parafanalia ( apart from Manchester United and Sheffield United items ) or any other Brit based stuff they have difficulty getting hold of from over here just let me know and i'll bring it across. Looking forward to the 18th, although i reckon we'll all have been on the lash together a bit before then any way. Ian :lol: :lol:
I think my Boston Sucks shirt looks way better. Cant have our friend Ian wearing parephenalia of such a shitty team as the Red Sox now can we? Do the guy a favor and get him the always classic interlocking N and Y hat, and not the orange letters of the team that beat the Sox n 86 either. On second thought, I am sure someone in Boston could find a Bill Buckner jersey for cheap :lol: As for baseball merchandise Ian, I wont be in Cancun with the spring break crew, but I will most likely be passing through Sheffield area this fall when I go visit my brother who now lives near Ipswitch. I would be more than glad to bring stuff over at that time
Let's not forget Redsox holds the title of the greatest comeback in sports history while Yankees hold the title of the biggest choking. http://community.foxsports.com/blog.../Top_10_Biggest_Collapses_in_Baseball_History