Great TR! I'm glad to hear Tom liked your awesome suit, but really how could he not. So sorry to hear about the bad cold you contracted that's why I filled the whole top dresser drawer with cold meds & hangover elixir's in alphabetical order even. Everyone who saw it thought I had some sort of OCD, but I never got sick, and I pretty much became the resort's free-clinic for lots of other folks. That trip goes way to fast to have any down time. Hopefully you have some new pics you'll be puting up soon??? Possibly even a pic of the infamous micro??? If we're lucky I guess...
i think everyone but 2 people in our 16 got a bug when they were down there. my wife delt with it for a couple days but didnt stop playing. i love that girl.:clappyinghappy: sorry to hear it hit you guys also. you know it is a good resort when you get sick & still have a lot of fun & keep going back..
I still had fun but after the first day, I stopped kissing which was a bummer. I love to kiss!! I am sorry to hear about everyone else. The pool glasses could definitely be carriers.
So sorry you got sick when you were there. Something was definately going around down there. I started on the plane trip home with chills, aches and coughing. Woke up the next day feeling like HELL! I eventually had to get on antibiotics to get rid of sinus infection. It's been over a week and I am just now feeling better. When I got back I heard from friends we met down there who left before us that they got it too. My solution have to go back and so you can have a re-do when you are not sick!!! Shannon