Topless at GP??

Discussion in 'Golden Parnassus Forum' started by fun4us, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. CTspec.B

    CTspec.B Enthusiast Registered Member

    Mar 21, 2013
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    she didnt really get mad per say she just gave me the look and said things like "Do you need another drink already?" "Of course you are hungry" :xyxthumbs:
  2. dikfore

    dikfore I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    You need to come to TTR with us. Its perfectly normal to look at boobs there, and you actually notice the clothed women more than the topless ones...
  3. lisabbn315

    lisabbn315 Newbie Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2013
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    Wow, ruining my wedding wasn't enough now your posting that you dont give a shit! Well HAMMIE, now I don't give a shit when I say you're extremely disrespectful and you have absolutely zero class! And yes you were near the wedding, apparently I walked right by you! I did not want a fat topless girl wearing a thong in my wedding! What did you think you were hiding wearing that? Hence the name HAMMIE...YOU SHOULD UPDATE YOUR PICTURE and do EVERYONE a favor, GAIN SOME SELF RESPECT!!!
  4. Restling

    Restling I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Quick question. What exactly did you expect it of people who pay thousands of dollars for a vacation at an adult only resort. I wasn't there, but if there was a wedding going on in the middle of my vacation I wouldn't be very happy, unless you rent the whole place out, you get what you get.
  5. HammieJ

    HammieJ I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    Okay first and foremost.... I apologize that you were offended by my self confidence and placement 20-30 feet away from your wedding. I'm sure you knew upon booking that it is a topless/adult resort. It most definitely is not a catholic church. 2nd.... congratulations. I do have a picture of you if you'd like it.
    I have self respect. I'm a nudist. I respect your different views and opinions but there is no need to be unkind here.

    No... I really don't care. The motto is "Nobody knows you and nobody gives a shhhh" in Cancun. It is my vacation just as much as it was your wedding. I didn't pay all of that money for tan lines. Body size does not matter.... the only thing that matters is confidence. As someone who used to be a lot bigger and just had a baby... I think I look pretty damn good. Quite a few people told me the same.

    Next time stop me and say hello. I'll give you a free motorboat!

    I'm not on vacation to please anyone other than myself. She should be happy I stayed in my chair and wasn't pole dancing. lol. I was very respectful.

    I will NOT be touching on this topic any further because I am still having trouble understanding how people can get so worked up over a thick woman being natural. Everyone just needs to relax, live and let live, and mind your own business. :)

    Cheers! :beer4:
  6. NC Gal

    NC Gal Enthusiast Registered Member

    Feb 7, 2010
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    Sounds like someone booked a wedding without checking out the place first. Topless is the norm at GP and if that was going to be a problem, you should've booked elsewhere rather than expecting all the other paying guests there to conform to what you wanted.

    Secondly, Hammie is always a friendly and helpful person, which in its own way demonstrates a lot of class. You would never see her attack someone because she didn't get her way or disagreed with an opinion. It speaks volumes of someone to attack another person on a public forum. Truly a lack of class.
  7. tigerjohnni

    tigerjohnni Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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    it was a fun time and yes the two canada strippers were great eye candy, they actually came on the van with me and my wife and the entertainment crew to the city club one we actually talked and hung out with them, very nice girls!!!
  8. HammieJ

    HammieJ I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    You can't please everyone so I stopped trying a longggg time ago! lol.

    Anyone who truly knows me know that I'm a huge sweet ball of fun entertainment!

    I also updated my picture. It seems since I was wearing all black and laying on my side I didn't appear to be as "fat" as I truly am or something. haha Either way, I was wearing wayyyy too much clothing in my previous default. This is more me! :) :flash:
  9. lisabbn315

    lisabbn315 Newbie Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2013
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    first and foremost... Golden Parnassus is not considered a topless resort, it is an adults only resort meaning no children! She was THE ONLY topless woman there and I was told by the wedding coordinator that all patrons would RESPECT my wedding. And although being topless in certain areas may be allowed, anyone who has even an ounce of common sense knows that if there is a wedding going on that may not be the time to be naked! Any other time, your preference, thats fine but not during someones wedding. If it were any of you, you'd feel the same way, NO BRIDE would be happy! And like I said, it all has to do with respect , I never would have done that to another woman! Everyone
    else kept apologizing for her(yours if you're reading this) but they're not ones who should be apologizing. I have nothing else to say I just wanted hammie to know how much that upset both me and my husband and if I had seen her in person after the wedding I would've said it straight to her.
  10. dikfore

    dikfore I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    If I or my wife saw boobs at our wedding we'd be smiling and giving high fives.. And if it were somebody naked we would be breaking out the cameras for evidence! But I guess we are just disrespectful and without any common sense.

    And if it's not a topless resort, why didn't the staff tell her to put her clothes on?

    Sent from my speak and spell.
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