I miss my top quality cookware from home. Anyone know where I can find some here? I checked Plaza las Americas. Sears and Liverpool had some but not really the quality I am looking for. Suggestions?
Tell me about it! I brought all my All-Clad pots from the US. But replacing anything here is difficult. I usually bring things from the US.
What exactly are you looking for ? Like Le Cruset ? or Stainless ? Calphalon? I have some pretty decent pots and pans that I got at Sams many years ago. I also have a whole set of cast iron pots and pans that I have collected, most from the Mercados,
Curiously enough, we frequently get American visitors to our store buying aluminum pots & steamers of the larger sizes (5 gallon plus) as they say they cannot be had in the US except at outrageously high prices.
I knew Rivergirl would be an All-Clad girl. Only the best for her. I have the Emeril cookware, which is manufactued by All-Clad. Funny thing is that there are tons of customer complaints about the Emeril brand but mine has behaved as expected. I have the regular product, not the non-stick version.
TJ - Well, I own some Calphalon too. My All-Clad is anodized on the outside and I wish now that I gotten a set that was stainless on the outside. The anodization gets discolored when your house guests put your pots in the dishwasher...
thanks Janie! I appreciate it! It was a good day. I was just logging in to wish Steve a happy birthday tomorrow! Will go make a new thread for him now.
Oh Kim happy birthday to you also- so many Libran expats in Cancun. Love and hug Tracey & Ged xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx