As I rarely get time to go on the forum anymore plus certain things have changed which means Cancun is not such a prioty to me anymore. I dont think its fair I should be a Moderator. Cancuncare always use to be the first site I would go to but because of work and stuff I just dont manage to get on here to do any good (Delete spam etc). So although I have enjoyed being a mod and deleting those spam b******s I think Im going to have to call it a day mate. Hope this is cool Bye Adam
That's fine Ad, I wouldnt want being a moderator to become a burden or to take up time that might be better spent elsewhere. As I mentioned in the PM, everyone moves on in life and gets differerent priorities. I'd like to say thanks very much for all that you have done for the site and although we may not see as much of you as we used to I'd like to think you'll still drop by when you get chance. Thanks again and best wishes for all that you do in the future. Steve
You was a top Mod mate your info helped me out allot for my first trip. And daft drunken meets in 06 where classic :lol:
Is Adam going to Siberia? :lol: If not, I'm sure we'll be seeing him wander in and out. Good work though, sir.
Have you found out if its a boy or a girl yet :wink: :wink: Ian :lol: :lol: PS. Good job BTW :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
It's a hamster :wink: You did a good job, Adam. Don't be a stranger...stop by more often and drop us a line.