well we picked the tickets up yesterday for the 10 of us coming from the UK. Only 25 days and counting and we really cant wait to get to mexico. we land in mexico at 15:20 on the 26th so should be all settled in and ready to go around tea time does anyone know what night is on at the hotel that night and also which club you head to on a saturday we have heard so much about tequilla volleyball, can anyone confirm when this happens
I think the really good NTVB is on Friday's now but they should play some form of it while you are there. As for the rest... Monday of “The Quest” Guests will take part of one of the teams that will be on the search of different items as well as some challenges during this night full of energy and fun. Temptation's Cast will lead guests in "The Quest" for all type of things, from a simple red lipstick to the unimaginable. - Coco Bongos Tuesday of Karaoke: Be on time to sign up on our hot list and show us how well you can sing, either a solo song or with one of the songs in our list. - Sr. Frogs Wednesday “Carnival Day” (Dress code: costumes & wigs) Wigs and colorful outfits complemented with a reggae band by the pool during the day and a nighttime contest featuring the Temptation dance group in a sexy, hot and steamy Latin flavor dancing beat will transport guests to the fun of a Latin "Mardi Gras" Day. - Basic Thursday “Pj’s & lingerie Casino” (Dress code: Pj’s & lingerie) Play just for fun at the casino wearing the sexiest lingerie and favorite pajama! Great prizes and the "Sexiest Lingerie" contest makes betting more fun than one can ever imagine! - Daddy O's Friday “Temptation“ Dance Show Temptation's signature production - especially designed to take guests on a sexy and sensual ride to acrobatics and naughty dancers. - The City Saturday "The Main Event" Hot Chippendale dancers and sexy stripers from all over will be the main act for the night (or something like that, I think they have done away with the Chippendales). - Bulldogs Sunday “Dancing with the Stars” Enjoy Temptation's live band and chill out in this relaxing ambiance where our Cast members will be there to mingle and dance if guests don't have a partner - Daddy Rocks Unless someone else has a newer update. Jamie
thank you for that anyone that is going get in touch, we will all be up for an awful lot of fun so hopefully we should fit right in there really looking forward to coco bongos