“thrown Out”

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by bjayne33, Jan 13, 2020.

  1. muskyfins

    muskyfins Regular Registered Member

    Jan 8, 2019
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    +250 / 1
    Sure. Might be different now. Or just a bad week of people who don't have any common courtesy. Don't let it ruin your vaca.
  2. Orpus

    Orpus Regular Registered Member

    Mar 11, 2018
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    Last March, I observed a lone dude (Silence of the Lambs type) photographing the crowded sexy pool from underneath the walk way to the Bash. I walked in front of his camera and gave him a view of one of my man parts...a part so wretched, it even gives me the dry heaves. I think that view destroyed el pervo’s libido. He put his phone down immediately and tried to explain that he wasn’t taking pictures. Liar!
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  3. Sonny&Andrea

    Sonny&Andrea Addict Registered Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    Kentucky for the summer, Texas for the winter.
    +491 / 1
    I’m all about live and let live, but when people are photographing other people, on private property, without their permission, then that person is infringing on the victims right to privacy.
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  4. MandEOntario

    MandEOntario Addict Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2012
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    West of Toronto; Empty nesters with a hot tub
    +2,677 / 4
    Given the realities of security cameras, surveillance, resort photographers and almost every guest carrying their precious smartphones in-hand or on their person at all times, any reasonable expectation of (or "right to") privacy outside of one's own hotel room, is unlikely and unrealistic. So we all rely on the leap of faith that folks who happen to capture toplessness or even clothed subjects who prefer not to be digitally immortalized in someone's pics, will be respectful of people and not post images irresponsibly. For a great vacation, isn't it better not to worry about it nor feeling the need to keep your head swivelling on camera/phone monitoring patrol? Why ruin a vacay, when you can't let something go and relax. Bottom line ... we can't manage what we can't control. No amount of phone camera lens stickers, signage, monitoring, intervention or security can completely protect your privacy. If folks are THAT worried about the odd topless snapshot or getting captured in the background (even because of jobs, kids or whatever), maybe the 'risks' of TTR is no longer for them?

    So, is TTR a public place? Unsure what Mexican law may say, but a public place is generally an indoor or outdoor area, whether privately or publicly owned, to which the public have access by right or by invitation, expressed or implied, whether by payment of money or not, but not a place when used exclusively by one or more individuals for a private gathering or other personal purpose.

    Filmmakers are often uncertain how far they can go when shooting documentaries without invading the privacy of others. Generally speaking, persons caught on camera in a public place (like TTR) do NOT have a legal right to preclude others from photographing them. But a lot depends on how their photo is used, and whether it is newsworthy. If the photo is being used on a product, like selling pickles, lingerie or travel, you will need to secure a depiction release. But the same photo appearing in a newspaper would not provide grounds for a successful suit for invasion of privacy. We're personally relieved that as a couple, we're not particularly newsworthy, nor pickle-worthy. Maybe that comes more with our old age, lol.
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    Last edited: Jan 15, 2020
  5. Chails

    Chails Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2018
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    I think that the photo taking can be significantly decreased if they actually policed it. This is case is a good start. Or maybe if you are caught taking pics of random people you are barred from the pool for the day.

    If they use the attitude of “there is nothing we can do about it” you will see people not wanting to go topless (boo), not wanting to hang out in the pool or not want to come to temptations at all. Because you care about your reputation, job, social image and family shouldn’t preclude you from going to a place like TTR where the point of going is to escape reality and not have reality come back and bite you. At some point, with all the things you read on this board people will stop coming.
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  6. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Houston, TX
    +4,621 / 14
    I don't know if "people will stop coming," as in an absolute statement, but some few just might.

    I am glad that ain't us, though I do understand how some folks could easily get jammed-up by a pic taken while having a fun, adult, time on vacation.
  7. EFish

    EFish Regular Registered Member

    Jan 10, 2016
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    The influencer posted a video of topless women (who did not consent to be photographed) to two IG accounts (one with over 10k followers). Following this, a removal video of this guy was staged with staff and the GM laughing and joking. I want to believe TTR staffs respects our privacy, but the way it was handled hurt. Hopefully things are better going forward.
  8. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Philadelphia, USA
    +6,176 / 7
    Yes, this is exactly what happened. And we can assume it was staged, or not. The photo did look like that, but the reality is that he could have actually gotten the boot. Maybe he wasn't taking it too bad, so they have had some fun with it. I think it would have went over better if it just ended on the one FB post where Patric said that they have become more aware of the situation, and the thoughts of the community, and he had to leave. I think people would have just left it there, and we all would have moved on.

    I have had friends, and friends that are cops, pose for a funny picture as someone is getting arrested. The arrest is happening, nothing that can be done about it as the law requires you to be arrested, but doesn't mean you have to go down kicking and screaming, and the cops don't have to get rough.

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  9. Sonny&Andrea

    Sonny&Andrea Addict Registered Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    Kentucky for the summer, Texas for the winter.
    +491 / 1
    The property owner’s own security cameras are far different than someone who is violating said property owners digital media policy. I just assumed everyone would naturally realize that distinction when I made my comment. A person is in fact giving up their right to privacy to the property owner by staying at their resort, under a written agreement based upon there policy posted on their website. When other people violate that policy they are in fact, infringing on the victims right to privacy as agreed to with the resort’s stated policy. If you really want to take pictures and videos of unsuspecting topless women, you are just an @$$hole, and if I owned the resort I wouldn’t want that type of clientele.
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  10. dikfore

    dikfore I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    On or In NormaSnockers..
    +448 / 0
    Agreed. The guy's IG straight up said "I took pictures when I wasn't supposed to, and I got the boot"... As much as I didn't like what he did... To me it seems like he took it well. Whether or not he was leaving anyways besides the point...

    Also agree on the cop pictures. I've had friends get pulled over on car rallies i've been on, doing "above reasonable speeds"... And we've taken pictures of them in handcuffs with the cops... Shit happens, you play, you pay.. Don't have to be a dbag for getting caught out..
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