grand caribe during spring break i have some mayor problems deciding between grand caribe and oasis cancun HELP me......
YetiPl- Do a search in google, your sure to come up with some photos of your destination or try webshots...I would highly recommend Oasis. Do your homework its almost due !
is it true that food and liquor it very bad and cheap at oasis? also is it hard to get drink there during spring break? i read some crazy staff about it at
One thing you need to understand is that the alcohol offered at most AI's is pretty cheap for the most part...especially the resorts that cater to Spring Breakers. The resorts that offer the premium alcohol are usually the more expensive resorts to stay at or it is reserved for timeshare owners. You will not get premium staff at the Oasis. Read Curvvvy's trip rerport for an update on the conditions at the Oasis...unfortunately it is not a glowing endoresement of the place.
yes, reviews are currently coming back that the oasis is falling apart. i stayed there last year the first week and march and it seemed fine then. i thought it could only be better by now. i guess i will see when i get there.
all liquor is domestic mexican. liquor from the states in imported, hence it costs more. so what you have is the cheapest grade mexican liquor. it still does the trick but definitely taste worse and is a bit weaker than liquor here in the US. as for the food, it isn't really great anywhere. ive stayed at 3 different cancun hotels and the food was about the same at each place, (none of which were 5 star resorts). it just doesn't taste like food from home, that doesn't mean its bad, dirty, or inedible, just not what your used to. i laugh when people complain about the food at a given hotel in cancun. they speak as if the food is better at other hotels in the same price range. its damn near exactly the same everywhere you go, unless of course, you spend more money.
Thanks for help guys quick question thou after hearing all those bad reviews why do you still want to go to oasis when for the same price you can book to gran caribe?
Because Oasis is the # 1 Party Hotel in Cancun, most of us are there to get our party on Not pampered with room service, bottled wine and horderves
anybody have a picture of the mexican delivery drivers who deliver pizza, i was wondering what they look like so i can get some pizza from them!