Have you all looked at the calendar lately??? It's jam packed with CC peeps.. Someone better put Cancun on standby of our arrival, cause the hurricane is coming... Here's the link to the calendar.... http://my.calendars.net/cancun/d14/03/2008?authenticate=&display=M&style=B
With so many of us staying at the oasis are we gonna try to have regular get togethers aside from the major meet ups. mostly for the ppl that aren't gonna be there till after the meet ups? cuz this is my first time and i wanna meet other ppl from the site while im there forsure
.. You'll meet people.. period.. Just go out of your hotel room and you'll see ALOT of people.. LOL. Some of you have no idea what you're in for and I love it.. :lol:
hang out on your balcony, yell to the people above, below and to the side of you, someone is bound to respond