Honestly my husband has never read this forum. It’s always the Girl talking. I really don’t notice anyone being too creepy (13 trips) and my husband once said “let him take all the mental pictures he wants, you come home with me” so I stopped worrying about it. If you find someone staring that makes you uncomfortable I suggest you rotate the conversation so you are behind a bit of a wall of humans or suggest to a new friend you go get a drink refill. I am 100% comfortable wandering the resort all day and usually all night so trips to the restroom/bar etc are no big deal but if I’m going for a shoe change or heading to bed early (yes I like to go to be around 2am....) my husband escorts me because 1. I like an arm to hold so I don’t fall down and 2. It’s just classy. 99.9% of the comments I’ve ever heard were complimentary so I just smile or say thanks. I’ve never heard anyone getting comments like what you are referring to at TTR. We recently went out in my current city and all three of these scenarios happened multiple times. I don’t bother going out here anymore as I feel like I need to be attached to my husband at all times and that those comments really spike my temper.
Female half of the Newfies here. I tend to walk away from unwanted attention or politely decline. If that doesn't work a "Get Lost" or "F*ck Off" usually does. If someone can't take the hint I don't mind ruining their good time before they ruin mine!! I haven't had to deal with creepy guys staring as I really don't take notice. I'm usually too busy having a great time. I don't mind walking alone daytime. Would never at night on any resort. I tend to be cautious at night going to the washroom and always make sure the hubby knows when I'm going. If I'm too long he always comes to check. If someone is being vulgar and won't let up a good comeback is "If your dick was as big as your mouth I might be interested" That will usually shut them up! Don't overthink the topless thing. Just go with it and have a great time. I have had bilateral mastectomies with reconstruction and have gone topless every trip. If anyone cares it's their problem, not mine. Most don't. It's all good. -Chris
"If your dick was as big as your mouth, I might be interested"...LOLOLOLOL Good line, friend. Good line.
Although, we have not been to TTR we have been to both Desire resorts multiple times. To answer your questions from the ladies perspective. Unwanted attention. Usually a polite, No Thank you is enough. Some need more, but for most that's enough. If it isn't hubby will step on and say something. Creepy guys staring. I find it amusing and if bothered by it I will just do something off color to distract from the stare. Like put my top back on. Lol. Don't know that I can fairly answer the last question as we haven't been to TTR. However, I have never felt uncomfortable at Desire, Sturgis, Rock festivals etc wandering alone. I know what not to do and how to attract positive attention to stay safe alone. Most if the time I get into more trouble alone than with the hubby. Sassy comebacks. You wouldn't know what to do with it; My nipples get harder than most guys dicks(I have a shirt that says that); A blown kiss is always a great comeback for compliments. TTR 8/28-9/2