Yes, 99% of the people are going in march! Peak weak(when most go) is march 8-15. Many people booked with many different companies since there are a lot of different people going from different countries. But, march is your best bet, and I would book soon, rooms at the oasis will fill up.
March is the month! I went march 11 for a week in 07 and I am going march 11 again this year. MTV done their filming for three days in that week. So March 8th is definately the peak week. Plus I looked at the spring break calendar and that is when the majority of colleges/Uni's will be on break.
Re: March is the month! are you the understudy of KP The Cancun Legend???? anyway, you're right, thats when the majority of people iwll be there
Well trips seem to be going for good prices, just check out the BIG online sites they tend to offer the best deals right now
are you the understudy of KP The Cancun Legend???? I don't know who KP is...... but when this site allows pictures direct from a camera or from my mac, i will put up the pics from last year to show why I am the legend! LOL