You forgot to pack glow sticks for white night, a single bikini top for the Boobs Crusie flag and tip money in various peso, US, Canadian and UK denominations of between $0-200 per day. Also, aloe Vera for when the sun screen is not effective. (That part is not a joke)
Packing Oh great... he's the one who get's done when the light goes red at Customs and has to explain (LOL), .. I didn't see a Lock for Chastity belt, Extra large Bubba mug or duty free alcohol for room parties.... oh games Twister, monopoly..... Enjoy the party :lotsofmichaelfs:
I have read that Marmite's high Vitamin B content makes it an effective mosquito repellent. Do I eat it....or spread it on my body? ( In which case, the chastity belt can be left in the UK