Haha yea I never understand that one at all. The only thing I can think of how someone would come up with that is that he has the "Chinos Cause for Cancer". So maybe they think people are saying Chino's Cause for Cancer. So they drop the possessive S and think his name is Chino. I am not grammar expert but really it should be Chinos's or Chinos'...
So basically "Nobody knows you and nobody gives a shit" applies to boobs, sexual innuendo, and drunken behavior. But if you forget or add the letter "s" to certain words you will be ostracized? Got it ! (Insert sarcastic tone here if it does not come through in type! lol)
I do not think one person has been singled out and raked over the coals. This thread is about having a little fun and maybe getting the word out about proper use of the letter s.
Sometimes we forget sarcasm does not always come through in type. The original comment was totally meant to be said with a smile on our face. FWIW- went back and edited it to make that clear. Trust us, we find humor in everything.
I understand. The same thing happens with texting. Can't hear the voice or see the face to figure that part out.
Considering this post is about the S I don't see anything wrong about discussing it in this thread but in other thread it is getting old Sent from my SM-G870W using Tapatalk
Personally it makes me twitch a bit too....but I over look it a lot, as I have bigger worries in life than to get pissed over an extra s or one missing.... irritating yes but to each his own.... Don't Even get me started on New Questions that are repeated over and over because people don't read a few threads down to see it's been asked already!! (If I'm guilty with my camera ?? I sincerely apologize.....I didn't see anything posted but I also did Not go back a few pages to look either!!) D