Tomster I or we are praying all this storm crap is over and done with by the time we all hit the resort!! We fly in on the 3rd...........should hit the resort around 11am!! Woo Hoo! Will def save booze..........we are planning on participating in theme nites if thats ok? The only thing Im rethinking is heels (shoes). I am tall and yes the theme costumes always look better with heels but those slick concrete or tiled floors are not very comfy when my 5 ft 11 inch ass hits the floor. Booze and 4/5 inch heels mix like oil and water!!! So I may have on flip flops with my themed outfits and club dresses!!! Hopefully everyone will be looking at my boobs instead of my feet!!! LOL We cant wait!!!!! I just dread the packing.............Im sure I will be up till 3 am next wednesday nite!!! :cheerleaders:
That sounds great, my wife's bff is 5' 11"- 6' and she and her husband are traveling with us. We will be there on the 6th, around 3:00!! Can't wait, see you there.
Tomster, we get there on the 6th also. My wife has been shopping (she got new heals just for the trip). She has stuff for all the nights. She wont let me see any of it LOL. She is also tall. I love when she wears heals. Maybe I will suggest she puts on the heals at the bottom of the stairs. Looking forward to making a bunch of new friends. Hopefully the storm will be gone by then.
I think it's cool that she won't show you till she wears them, that way you'll be surprised. My wife and i are not tall, but are friends are. I don't mind at all, gives me a great view!!! Lol see you there. I'm thinking that we shouls all have a meet and greeton that first afternoon.more fun to know everyone earlyon. And there are some people i just haaave to meet>
Hey Tomster. I think a meet and greet would be very cool. I posted a picture on our message page so you will know who we are. At first I was not happy she would not show me, but now I am looking even more forward to this trip. We land at 1:30 on Sunday, hope to be checked in by 3:00 and right to the pool. :daveandmo: See you there. First rounds on me LOL
Sounds good my computer has been on the fritz all day hope it does'nt crap out on me before the trip. We arrive around the same time and it can't come soon enough!!!! My wife is packing a suitcase of just shoes!!! I can fit everything i need into a beer
6 days and counting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey guys it's Kim and Chris, we are so looking forward to the Boobs Cruise 11/5! Any advise for the newbies?:icon_razz:
will someone please tellus what the tailgate party is? having a blonde moment!! what is the tailgate party all about ? are the orange wristbands in use. we arrive 7th till 21st nov, wen tto a couple of theme parties last year, so following this thread with much interest lol, we dont want to miss any fun!!!!!!!! where can we get the orange wristbands from? in uk we cant get them and it seems a good idea xx
tailgate party? did I miss something?? Some couples are bringing extra orange armbands and I know if you go on one of Steve's boob cruises he has them there There is a website where u can order them (I assume u only need 2- for you and your spouse?). I cant remember what it was called but just search armbands...............seems like they were about 8 bucks a piece..........and u could have the XX put on them so you would be sure they wouldnt wash off!! LOL Me and my hubby fluctuate between XX and XXX!!!! :icon_lol:
reddwarf62 : tailgating is a term given to partying out of the back of a truck. very common at sporting events and concerts, people set up canopies, cook on grills, play silly games and FLASH!! We reward the flashers with prizes. I'm bringing extra wrist bands.See you there. HAPPY TAILGATING !!