She sounds a lot like me 5 years ago. Our first trip, I brought the sexiest clothes I could think of. Our first night there, I quickly realized that what I considered risqué' was actually very tame. LOL. I kept saying "I wish I would have brought skimpier outfits". July will be our 5th trip and I will be very proud to wear next to nothing. LOL. Have her bring the skimpiest outfits...ones she thinks she may not be comfortable wearing. There's a good chance she will put them on at TTR! --Ginger
Tell her to pack something she's comfortable with, something you think she looks hot in and something she'd never wear unless it was just you two at the house. And she'll find that the outfit she'd never wear probably has more material than some of the ladies wear when they're down there. I know I talked the missus into the very same thing our first trip as I had heard from friends about the place didn't believe until I saw it for myself. You'll see ladies dresses so small that you'll think hey my dinner napkin had more material. LOL and I say to her not sure why you pack the top to your suit you never wear it from the time we hit poolside anyway
At the pool, you're likely to have anywhere from 30-60 percent of the women with their tops on. One of the best things about TTR is that we've all been first timers, and we understand that everyone is going to go at their own pace. I don't think anyone would pressure your wife or ostracize her because she has a top on. As for theme wear, again, only 20-50 percent are ever in theme wear. Your wife won't stick out if she's in regular clothes. The only thing people have complained about is the inside bar, Nice Shoes, allowing people in without lingerie, which was against the rules until recently. But even on lingerie night, many people don't wear lingerie to the outdoor bar, Paty O's, where the party really happens. Again, please don't think anyone would think any less of her or you if you are wearing exactly what you would at home. Last June, we met a guy who spent most of the week alone while his wife read in the room. She wasn't comfortable, but he'd taken her on the Boobs Cruise, and she had pouted on the back of the boat with her top on the whole day, then wanted nothing to do with TTR afterwards. You know your wife, so you're the best judge of whether she'd react this way. People do come out of their shells at TTR, but everyone is going to do it at a different pace. Let your wife set it. Let her know you aren't pushing or expecting anything of her. Compliment her for everything, whether it's for being brave enough to take her top off or just for being a good sport to hang out with topless people. And, the advice to have her bring options is perfect. Why not bring one or two things you can surprise her with if she does say she wishes she'd brought something more risque? ( has tons of options and low prices...and if you're worried about what she'd like, post options here and we'll help you pick!)
U will make friends very quickly at TTR. My wife Never's takes her top big deal. Matter of fact, the other ladies who befriended her could care less, they protected her and watched out for her on every trip. She never felt left out of any party or group. Your goals should be to have fun. Ya'll just be yourselves and U will have a great time. Promise...
I was surprised the first time my wife took her top off. It was our 2nd trip to TTR. She's still shy about it in larger groups. Nobody has ever made us feel out of place. Great people, great times.
Thanks for the info. Our 1st trip is coming up soon, and it's great to hear how much fun most people have. All the great tips have really helped us get ready for out trip!
I agree with the general tone of the answers here. Take the costumes and bikini tops and if they get used or come off, you can set your own pace as you go.
On the Boobs Cruise, I would wait and see when it's scheduled for during your trip. If it's early, she may still not be comfortable taking her top off. Every Boobs Cruise we've been on, I think there has been at least one lady with her top on. Hell, we were on one where the lady wore a one piece. Also, depending on when you're there, it may or may not sell out. Steve's got a bigger boat now so you might be able to make a game day decision on the Boobs Cruise All that said, on our first trip to TTR, my wife took her top off for the first time late on our second day, and we stayed in the chairs on the beach. Over the course of the next two or three days, she became more comfortable (we Americans are a little prudish when it comes to this stuff). Now she doesn't even pack a top and she has no problem getting naked on the Boobs Cruise (assuming others are which they usually are). Everyone's comfort level is different, and your wife's hesitancy is pretty common on the first time. Play it by ear. You'll have a great time Boobs Cruise or no.