We had a fantastic time as new recruits to the ShitShow. Thanks everybody who welcomed us and made it a trip to remember. Damon was slowed down surprisingly little by his injured foot.... there were still people on our last day that not yet noticed he had been injured the whole time. Did they not notice the cane/ support brace / ortho boot? LOL
That's shocking! Although he got around and partied like a champ, even on the 'refugee' cruise! Loved meeting you guys. Will seriously consider a trip to sssssskatchewan if we get an invite for the housewarming party. --Jess :lotsofmichaelfs:
In that environment, it's a challenge to notice your own injuries, let alone those of others. Also, Mama always gave this advice: Don't go up to a guy with a cane and say, Dude, what the hell's your problem?! Glad you survived it!
Excellent last half of the Shitshow and first half of Week 8. Hearing the man's arm break will forever be in my memory and hope he is doing well. This trip was filled with some crazy shit that I can't remember and some things I wish I did not remember. Who is that girl? Anyway, the ninth trip was full of weird and seriously funny conversations with some really cool people. Remember, you never have to apologize to Mother Theresa the next day. It's all good!