He was with our group at the end of June and hasn't been seen since. Our group passed him off to another Cancuncare couple and that's the last I've seen or heard of him. There were some June Junkies pic's on his Facebook page of our time with him at the end of the month, but sadly none since! His last days were spent on a Boobs Cruise doing bodyshots and giving much pleasure to some beautiful breasts on the cruise. He also was involved in a couple of things that I'm sure would frowned upon by his family and I won't detail them here... but you can just imagine!:69: :3some: :ladiesman1: :bootyshake: :bj: :biggrinbandit: Glad we are starting up a new Jim! Party On Jim!
All I remember seeing of him last week was watching a lady utilize Jim as some type of phallic utensil to violate a gentleman during some "contest" at the sexy pool!!!!! That chicken almost broke it's neck.