Is it just me or I'm I the only person here who has watched "The Real Cancun" about 10 times in this past 2 weeks lol Woooohhhoooo March 11th!
Teh DVD might be hard to find in your local video store... I shall watch it the weekend before maybe... But who are we kidding that video doesn't even compare to all the things cancun has to offer
they sell it for four dollars at the super market near my house. its in one of them cheapy movie bins....appropriately placed, i think. the movie sucks. [edited for content - promoting copying of copyright material] Waste.
You could always download it for free(illegally) from [edited for content - promoting copying of copyright material] Waste.
or not be cheap and go out and spend the 10 bucks and buy it (this coming from the guy who refuses to buy a dvd unless hes sure he likes it lol) but yeah they have it everywhere here, probably cuz no one buys it