Dave and Ellie......you guys should check with another couple that I think you went on a yacht trip with (I may be wrong)....I don't want to give any names out, because it is not my place....but if you got the rash before you even went in the pool....it was sea lice. One of the parties that may have went with you...the female got sea lice. Had to call the doctor...got a shot.....pretty expensive. I did do research before I left on sea lice (posted a thread...but nobody answered .... there is ONE lotion that will PREVENT sea lice and does something for jelly fish stings too....(which may be needed because we saw some jellies and a lady got stung while we were there)....I think it is called Sea Safe or Safe Sea. It was created by an couple of scientists from India....I will definately get some next time . To all those who are worried about the pool....it is gross, but not as bad as it sounds. Stay away from the edges and around the side drains....that is where it seems to linger. Looks like barf...but I soon discovered after I got bumped and spilled my pina colada in the pool that it is mainly drinks. The bar tenders squeegee (sp?) the drink residue from the bar into the pool too. The chunks are bananas from Drunk Monkeys (which are amazing).....SERIOUSLY THOUGH....dont drink the water!!!!