Ok what is this so called plague. I think I might have it. I am still recovering from Cancun. Its been like 35 hours and still I'm dizzy and lightheaded, tired, and feel like I'm in a dreamlike state. I hope I didnt get drugged or something.
If you havent been running back and forth to the toilet and not taking stuff for your stomach, you likely dont have it! YOU would know....its NO fun!
the plegue is a sinus infection!!!! i get it every year dammit!!!! and I hate it!!!!!!! its start with a sore throat
Travelers' Diarrhea, aka The Plague: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dbmd/diseaseinfo/travelersdiarrhea_g.htm
I dont know what that is but I dont get that!!!...LOL.....the plague to me is the flu!!! my doctor said its from brething in different Bacteria that your not used to in the air!!!!
the plague is any sort of sickness you come down with after leaving Cancun....there is no exact definition, but it sucks!!! You appear to be in the beginning stages of the plague