My girlfriend works at Sheraton here and she had a guest offer us a free stay at his hotel in Cancun. he said it is "The Meridian." I am aware of the Le Meridian which ironically is owned by the same people as Shereaton. Is this a joke/scam? I already have the Grand Royal Lagoon booked...yeah I know nothing special. But, if I can get this hotel this guy was talking about for free....GREAT! Help Please
The only "The Meridian" property I could find was some condo in/around Playa del Carmen: Maybe the guy was talking about one of these and he's actually the owner of one of the condos?
There is one Meridien in Cancun listed under the Meridien chain code (I'm a travel agent) LE MERIDIEN CANCUN RETORNO DEL REY MZA 23 LOTE37 CANCUN ROO 77500 52-998-8812200 52-998-8812201