there were 2 incidents where guys took pics of my wife without concent, i just took the cameras from them. :icon_smile:
I hate to be the one to say it, but there is only one way to fix the problem and we all know way its is. I hope it don't come to that, but there is always one in every crowed that spoiles it for everyone. Here is my question, with all the porn on the net why do people have to take pictures of outhers that are having fun that they can't have at home becouse of their job or family.GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seems to me that I remember signing something to the effect that excessive P.D.A in the resort can cause management to ask you to leave. Why not "Anyone found taking pictures without prior approval of those in the picture or video may be asked to leave." It is usually easy to tell the creeps from the people who are having fun.
holy shit will this ever go away lol yall can do whatever the hell you want - when i go there i am taking my camera as i am on vacation and jesus said i could take my camera and take pictures of my wife, and friends so that is what im doing again for the umpteenth million time - CAMERAS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM disrespectful people who do not have a clue how to be respectful are the problem want to ban something? dont ban cars dont ban guns dont ban cameras dont ban cell phones dont ban dildos ban idiotic disrespectful inconsiderate drunks who dont know how to use them correctly cmon maaaaaaaaaaaaan - im so done with stupid ass laws and rules - half the damn rules and laws we got now could simply be done away with one simplistic BASIC rule (instead of coming up with a new law or rule every freakin day because of a couple of idiots who dont "get it") DONT FUCK WITH PEOPLE!!!!! now there is a rule i can live with the best rob
I agree with what you said Jim. I thought someone drove a wooden stake through this subject a long time ago. hcube
Can I get a plane ticket to whatever utopia you live in? Fact is there are very few people left in this world that have respect for others. It's pretty clear either you ban cameras or your don't simple as that. So what you're telling me is that EVERY picture that you have ever taken at TTR has not had anyone in it other than the people who have given you permission to take their picture? Dude just go to the TTR Facebook page and look at the user submissions, notice how many people are topless in the background? I wonder how they would feel knowing that there is a topless picture of them on Facebook, most likely without their consent or knowledge.