We won't look at you as a leper cause you don't have a gf or wife Canadian Dos Equis fan ... well at least not until the trench coat and no pants..LOL
the bigger issue for me is this narrow minded "hang up" people seem to have with single guys in these type of sexually friendly environments........ granted i am very new to all this and if there is an enlightened soul out there that can clue me in........... i swear i would be all ears .............but whatever you do.......dont give me this single guy = pervert bullshit line with nothing other than your insecurity to substantiate it give me something more than "single guys suck" - can ya and another thing......... while we are out on the "assumption" branch can i boldly make an obsevation? to me - it looks like most of the swingers who have problems with this whole "hate your favorite single guy" phenomenon appear to be the married guys and not the married ladies............would this be correct??? from what i can see it is mainly the married men who seem to have the problem with single guys - the married woman seem quite okay with single guys (kinda like married guys are okay with singles girls i would guess????) should not the woman get a say about this too or is it that the married men are just not secure enough with their women to let them have a say in this matter ??? convince me differently - im a blooming idiot rob
WHAT!!!! New Yorkers don't make excuses do they???? LOL Oops is that being judgemental... don't want to be single anyone out...lol
I couldn't disagree more!! When i lost the beer drinking contest in Nice Shoes i had to get totally naked in the cage. At least 6-8 women came up close to take pics. Now imagine if that was the other way around? No one ever complained when the women were perving on me
Jim (backs13) took a pic of me drinking and plastered (no pun intended) it on the internet. Now everyone thinks I'm a drunk.... Just a reminder that Temptation is hardly the only topless resort in Mexico or the Carribean. They are all over the place. Kim mentioned Desire as being couples only and therefore "safer". But I would reminder of of the guy who would wait till his wife was in bed and go to the disco to grope her and the other women while they were dancing. And there were plenty of hubbies at the pool adding to their photo collection. Hell, even the resort had a camera going around for a promo video. The best we can do is to speak up to anyone we see taking these kinds of pics, when we see them, and put them in their place. That's still not going to stop them from hiding their activitiy but it will make it a lot harder. Remember that old saying, "Take a picture ... it lasts longer!"? I guess some guys took that to heart.