well here is my two cents... go on google and do an image search for Temptation resort with safe search off. I went through 6 pages and not one bad picture of anyone. for the most part I think people worry too much about nothing. by all means confront someone who is getting too picture crazy on people who don't appreciate it but if you are worried about your bosses seeing how wild you are more than likely you have nothing to worry about.
I think it has been said, but what are the chances of your name getting attached to any picture out there? That alone greatly reduces the chances of anybody finding a picture of you topless. That being said, the creepy guys that go around taking pictures of the women need to be kicked in the balls.
Quite high as Les has my name on his arm lol... and it's an unusual name even in Wales. Maybe he'll have to wear a plaster over it :lol:
I have to agree. If you went to a whole bunch of voyeur sites and went through them all you would be hard pressed to find many, if any, pics of anyone at TTR that includes any level of nudity or toplessness. This doesn't mean it is impossible, but it does seem to be unlikely. Add to it the likely hood that it would be seen by anyone you know, and the odds start to get pretty close to the chances you'll win that lottery or that the Nigerian person whom you never heard of really did leave you a ton of money. Could it happen? Of course, but the chances are pretty slim.
It's definitely a needle in a haystack ... but don't people go on vacation to relax..... if you're worried about your pics being seen on the internet (no matter how remote the chance) you're not going to have a good time.
trip The wife and I went about 5 years ago. We had a blast. We were thinking of going again. But after coming back on here not sure if we will go or not.
I go on vacation to relax and I may even have a few too many "pops" along the way. That may lead to me doing something embarassing that may be captured digitally. Would that stop me from going on vacation? No way! If someone catchs me having fun and they don't like the fun I'm having, then they have the problem. Yes, I am prominent in my profession and in my community, but, to be blunt, I really don't care what some small mind might think of me and how I live my life. I think that is one of the advantages to getting older....you really start to ignore what others think and enjoy yourself even more than you did when you were in your 20's, 30's or even 40's. Life is short and there are no refunds!