So, either I'm lying or the person who told me is? The people in charge of Original Resorts aren't incompetent. They have been running Temptation for 20+ years, arguably one of Cancun's most successful resorts, and own a chain of hotels. I am sure they have considered the impact that increasing capacity will have on other hotel facilities and have plans to allow for that.
I think we should slow down a bit. I've heard everything the last few days from the hotel is going to be completely knocked down, to it being closed from December until April. My Pm's are going crazy with stories people have heard. No one is citing sources just taking what they heard or read somewhere and adding something - classic Chinese whispers. This is why we (cancuncare) sometimes gets a bad rap because we are seen as rumour mongering. It's fine to have a debate about what may or may not happen but lets try not to cause alarm when we are relying largely on speculation, and lets cite our sources of where we heard what we heard. I wish the hotel would say something official but it is not their way. What I do know is those in the position to make such big decisions are smart people and whatever changes they make, if any, will only be to make the hotel better.
There was always a certain group of Hedo Faithful that will come twice a year and pay whatever Hedo wants, even if they have to sleep in pup tents, use an outhouse and eat micowaved hot dogs. Maybe TTR owners have that mind set also.
So I heard a Saudi Sheik is buying the hotel to convert it into a mosque... ok I'll stop now! :deadhorse:
Another plus for TTR, My wife loves topless, but it takes a LOT of Red Stripe to get her to go totally nude. The totally nude thing is kinda "iffy".
Lol I have been known to need babysitting and the odd nursing too.:aktion030:Maybe the crib thing is a fetish thing. lol. I am just gonna sit back and be surprised at what happens with the hotel. It's a gold mine that they are not getting rid of, renovating yep, tearing down, hardly.
Steve I really don't want to cite my sources because they are both employees at the resort and I would hate for them to lose their jobs if it got back to management. This was my first TTR trip and I had a blast. But when you have 2 different employees tell you this I think it is fair to discuss on a forum such as this. If you shut down our censor this thread it will not eliminate the rumor problems. Especially if others are hearing the same think from staff members when they visit.
No problem. Hearing it from an employee is always going to have more credibility than 'I read it on Facebook from someone who went a few months ago'. Credibility depends somewhat too on employee level. No disrespect intended to any level of employee who all work hard for our enjoyment, but if a waiter says something it's a bit different to hearing it from one of the Directors. If Premier staff use it as a selling point again it may have some spin too. The source of my info was at a very Senior level and based on an 'in confidence' chat back in July. My only reason for mentioning it now is that some kind of change ahead is becoming common knowledge and subject to wild speculation and I wanted to try and temper that with some credible info. The thread wont get shut down. It's a very valid talking point. What I'm attempting to do (somewhat badly) is to try and separate pure speculation from reliable information.