oh now i remember too... i saw bob sinclair at playa del carmen yesterday too... complete madness hahaha
shwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasteddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd kids, went out to new havent ct ceneltabrating with my people tonight, for my 24th birthday wooooooooooo
Yo I was at playwright for a little while, at like 1:15am, didnt see you though...spent most of the night at black bear. happy bday dude.
ah damn man, we had the whole top part rented out...unless you snuck up, they were tossing people left and right
WOOOOOOOOOTT! I'm not drunk I'm just buzzed! LoL BUT my KY legendette/roomie has called me and text me pleanty and as she would say Lara is SHAMMERED!!!!LOL!!!! excersizing that liver in prep for Cancun. I need to do the same. Come to our room, it will be filled with bottles!! hahahaahahah!!! This year is gonna be STUUUUUUUPID!!!
:lol: liver prep is key!! I have been averaging a bottle of vodka BEFORE hitting the clubs the past few weekends........ must be ready for england!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyup your boy was wasted, had a drunken asthma attack, beehn in and hout of the hospital, and here I am...ugh, what a night....CANCUHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN