i got home at 6 AM after falling asleep in the bus after a great night at dady rock and terrasta hahaha i love cancun :bounce:
Yes, lol. I've passed the 3rd person trend to another CancunCare member.. WoooooooooHoooooooooo.. I now have Myself, Dan, Cindy, & Fletching talking in 3rd person when drunk.. Anyone else wanna join???
crazy drunk weekend....woke up face down on the floor (fully clothed, and no body parts hurting.....to avoid any jokes) after a party saturday night.....soooooooooo many tequila shots!!
Got drunk text tonight from Mr. Fletcho.. He was texting in 3rd person... WoOoOoHoOoOo, i've passed on a new trend!!! He was talking about some kind of blueberry berry and something else drink lol...
wow i was HAMMERED last night, out from 1130am got home bout 2am I think....threw up, knd'd then slept good night