what a long drunk weekend! I am thinking my body needs a break this weekend likely lol. Sleep, Sleep and more sleep is on my agenda for the coming weekend...........lets see if that ACTUALLY happens.
hey everyone glad to see the drunken post thread still going strong this weekend i got battered so so drunk and i found a beer bong at our place so that helped alot lol next weekend over to this chicks house she has austrian friends so we are going there taking denzel (our beer bongs name) and a 24crate and smashing it up YEOW!!!
Evidence of anihilation haha my mate just sent me this...I woke up and had no idea this had happened until today haha
At least it wasn't in a bathtub filled with ice. You should still go to the doctors to make sure you still got both of your kidneys.
jsut gotno back form breaking benajmin 3 days grace seether neverset....show fckuiennnnnnnnnnnn kicked asssssssssss!!!! and im swasted!!!!! wooooooooo