so I'm talking to my boss today yada yada yada yada and then from out of no where he says: "fu@k it, take monday off too" and I kinda just laughed and didnt give much thought to it until just now. holy crap I can add another day! should I? furthermore I don't know which Monday he's talking about, the Monday before I leave or the Monday I'll be back. either way its an extra day of partying. and if its the latter, I'd stay Sunday,.... party and leave Monday. and if its the former, I'd get there a day earlier, have time to get ish settled,.......and well just more time. personally i like the get there early idea a tad better. but its basically the same thing. I don't know.....should I do it? damn I'm gonna be thinking tonight.
Most of us will be there before you so I say add the earlier day, get settled in so you're not rushing the day of the CC party.
Lol or come back and Party For St. Pattys day thats what I am doing... I leave Cancun March 16 Sun and Mon Is pattys day so the party rolls right through for me...
:lol: you should have said that to me on my first post here, I would have said "screw cancun!" :wink: I know, that feels more right. And now if I make any moves, I have to look into how I would get this done, what extra fees they're gonna charge me....well at least I now have something to do. Too true. I love that day. Nice way to come back....would be like I never left. :lol:
Somehow I knew you'd have something to say. :lol: Ahh, im still on the fence but leaning more towards no. Everythings already set, nice and neat. If I start calling them up or pressing buttins to change things, who knows what'll be available.
you could always just change the airfare, not the hotel.. and ask if you can add an extra night.. if not stay at a different hotel for that night..
Dude I will slap you....its an extra day in paradise if u decide not to take it I PERSONALLY GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL REGRET IT :lol: :lol: