Terri, one of our patients told me she had very vivid sex dreams ... and she enjoyed it! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Derek here. Vivid dreams are a GREAT side effect. They allowed me to continue to take Chantix even with some mild upset stomach. But, the pills worked great. Smoke free for over a month now.
Thanks, it is great to have the encouragement. The best part is that the Chantix takes away the Desire to smoke, which is the biggest part.
Congrats on the quitting but do you feel that the Desire to smoke was your greatest attraction or was it habit.I want to quit the butts too but not sure what I'm really addicted to,is it the craving or the habit?Any former smokers out there feel the same way?Any of you folks that have been on Chantix feel like they are missing something out of pure habit and if so is it tough to kick?My job is super flexible and I think I smoke alot out of pure boredom.Just wondering what other folks thought.