:bigwave: Tina, Derek has been taking Chantix....I think he's on his 3rd week and he hasn't had any of the side effects (knock on wood!) He's doing really good so far. Are you thinking of trying it?? If so, Good Luck!! Tina
From their website: The most common side effects include nausea (30%), trouble sleeping, changes in dreaming, constipation, gas, and/or vomiting. If you have side effects that bother you or don’t go away, tell your doctor. I did not have really an side effects....at least not like when I took Zyban and quit smoking easily. BUT after I was off of it I started again, so my only advice is try to stay on it for a couple months after you stop. Starting it again next week.
Some people's stomach have problems with it. But the dreams..... you can get some really vivid, realistic, intense dreams.... :shock: Jamie
Day 1 of taking Chantix......I'll keep you posted as the days go by! So far my immediate friends that have started all have had stomach problems....but no headaches and no problems sleeping....so we'll see
That's great Tina!!! Derek didn't have any of the side effects and has been smoke free for 3 weeks :michaelf:
Well update on this one also since i just updated the last one......I'm doing outstanding and actually I'm kind of shocked on how easy its been!! Hubby not so good, but he is definetely improving....says the "tic tacs" arent working for him. I'm about ready to make him stop taking Chantix and slap a patch on him and see if that has better effect. Anyone out there take Chantix and it did nothing for them?