you guys are the best, honestly each and every one of you....when im able to overcome this, i have only you guys to thank
Thanks, Fletch. But honestly, when you overcome it, it will have been because you did it. We're just here to help you through it but you have to do the hard stuff. And we all know you can!!!! Karan
O.K. Guys, Looks like this is the place for some extra support!! Add me to the list please. It's been 13 days since I've had a smoke, I must admit it has not all been will power. I had major surgery on June 15th which kept me in bed for a while and no real Desire to have a cig. Now that I'm moving about a little more I seem to have cravings here and there and some times the Temptation is a little stronger than I wish. I know that some of you have already gone the distance and I would love to be added to the list.... My husband is a non-smoker and would be sooooooooo happy if I really beat the addiction, but I've been a smoker for about 33 yrs., so I know this is no small feat!! I appreciate the support and encourgement of all Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!!! Macy
Sorry about the surgery Macy, but good for you not smoking!!! If you've gone this long, you can do it. You just have to really want to. I smoked for over 20 years, so I know what you're going through. Yesterday was 7 months for me, and I feel great! Stick with it, and when you have a craving, just ride it out. It doesn't last long. GOOD LUCK, and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!