No smoking in Cancun for me...YAY!! I can vouch for Al too. A couple of cigars here and there, but no cigs!
Terri, THAT was the ultimate test. You are home free now. Congratulations!! I'm sure you feel fabulous!!!
we'll I'm hanging in there thanks, its very hard though, esp now that I'm working 2 jobs for the summer one of the guys I work with is constantly chewing and its so tempting, but ive been able to hold back
FLETCH, We are ALL pulling for you, and YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: CHEW GUM INSTEAD! :bounce3: :bounce2: :bounce3: :bounce2: :bounce3:
congrats fletch! what a great decision! im rooting for ya too.... if it makes you feel any better...i haven't had any sugar or caffiene (of anykind or in anything) in a month...which is very hard for me!