At day 69 you don't need to resist!!! Congrats!!! You are doing awesome and I'm so proud I can call you my friend....makes me glad you did stalk me that time at BBG!!! Karan
way to go terri, day nine for me, i quit when i was in the hospital last week, it's really hard, sometimes i feel like i could eat a pack! like now!! but i will win this battle, along with you!!!
Im so proud of you Lowrider my Mrblueyes :wink: :wink: :clap: :claphappy: :claphappy: :claphappy: :claphappy: :claphappy:
Lowrider, 9 days....that is a great start. :clap: :clap: Take it day by day. We are here if you need to talk. Angie
one more thing, you know i have been around the block a few times, and seen and meet all kinds of people, but by far the Cancuncare people are the best, the support and love that flows thru this board just makes me shiver all over! thank you all so verry much for being here!
AL, congrats on giving up smoking. It's the best thing you can do to help your surgery to heal faster and better.