Well done all! We've reached the end of the year with quite a few of us staying off the fags! (OK, OK, smokes! :lol: ) Here's to a smoke-free 2005! Jen
Mikey, when you feel you are ready (and that's the key...you have to WANT to!) we will all be here to support you. This is a great group of supportive people. Jenn...no more fags for us! :lol: Terri
I totally agree. Mikey when your ready, really ready to make the choice to stop smoking then you will. Untill that time no one can will you to stop. You guys are all doing a fantastic job! I am really looking forward to a smoke free BBG trip in February!!!! WOO HOO!
The thought of sucking a fag has jus never quite appealed to me!LOL!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: Michelle
Mikey, you have to WANT to stop smoking, and I hope that day will come for you soon. We will all be here for you! Michelle........tsk! tsk! you're too funny!!!! :lol: TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE QUIT....CONGRATULATIONS! You're starting a brand new year without smoking!!!!!!!! It's a GREAT feeling, isn't it?
:lol: :lol: :lol: Michelle, I spent more than half my life sucking fags. You are smart never to have started. They are very addictive, and I know if I suck just one fag now, I'll be hooked again! Terri
No more sucking now :!: :!: :!: :!: :lol: :lol: Save your mouth for something else Terri :lol: :lol: :lol: