Same here Jim...definantly an honor to meet THE backs13...keep on keeping on man and we will see u next year or sooner
U know..after submitting this as a thread..I saw how bad it really was...I never went back to proofread or anything. Oh well...can't wait til next year Dan....maybe we can get kicked out of the pool or worse
Oh crap...I just noticed I didn't put ur names on there....I didn't proof read this so I am so sorry guys....u two were great and frickin hilarious.....
i recognized bunny and his beautiful wife right away (and i don't think your pic makes you look 50, just fyi) you guys are alot of fun... sorry all the sick drastically limited our time to hang out. maybe next time...
looks like i'm pulling you over... sadly, i only vaguely remember this, but i know it was a great time!
Nice report Bry. It was great seeing you guys. Don't forget you and Dan instigated the stuff with that crazy chick, but for some reason I'm the one who took the beat down with her bikini top. lol