Lesson one makes me sad knowing that Fat Tuesdays wont be there Some cool approaches there i love the way he says try it with everyone pretty much haha
#2 is so true. That's why I am getting my own room. If my other guy friends want to come on the trip, they are not staying in my room. And if my other girl friends want to come on the trip, they have be "open minded", or they are not staying in my room.
Yeah Fat Tuesdays is closed people Keep that in mind.. I can't believe there is a site that has that info :roll:
classic.... The Diss If you are not in there after 10 minutes (do not wait any longer), make sure you get her name, she gets yours and move on. She will probably wonder why you left, and that might make her more interested. Or she might not have been interested and she's glad you left, but at least you aren' t wasting your time. TIME IS KEY. Approach as many girls as possible and keep repeating the diss until you have no more prospects. Even if you are not cool, if a girls sees you with 1/4 of the girls in the club, there are some that will get jealous, those are the ones you want.
HAHA, If you need that site to hook up you are a NOOB!! IMO.........If you dont have game, no site will help.