The Academy Awards of Cancuncare

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by V, Oct 23, 2009.

  1. coby

    coby Regular Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2009
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    Our internet was down for 5 days :( Lost power for a day and half too. It was a rather difficult week...
  2. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Coby has gotten his nomination in, in time; but, I'll remind the readers that connectivity failures do not constitute an excuse for late submission of nominations, as stated in Rule 43a, of the Rules Governing the Conduct of the Academy Awards of Cancuncare- in case it should happen to you.
  3. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Well, I've just received a few more nominations via the emails, including three for "Most Posts".

    Nominated for "Most Posts", we have CancunCannuck, Rivergirl, and T.J.

    I'm sure some of you noticed that CancunCannuck was nominated in another category, as well; but, the Rules under which we are proceeding contain no limitation on the number of different categories a given poster may be nominated to.

    There may be others so, as a reminder, ladies and T.J., let's not count your chickens, just yet.

    There is a further nomination, but I believe the Rules Committee may have to take a look at this one. In the "Good Intentions" category, we have the I.W.C., Cancun.

    Once again, thank you for your participation, and keep those nominations coming in!
  4. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Check out the Memberlist link up top. You can sort the list by total number of posts. The person on this board with the most posts ever is no longer posting and is wanted in the US.

    I suggest we remove Most Posts as a category, since it's an already measured stat available to everyone.

    And the IWC of Cancun isn't a specific poster/person, so I'm not sure it makes sense to nominate it either.
  5. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Electronic Meeting of Rules Committee

    The Rules Committee has asked me to relay their decision, arrived at by video conference, regarding certain questions that have been raised by one of the nominators to the Awards, Rivergirl.

    In regard to the question of the eligibility for consideration of I.W.C., Cancun, in the category,"Good Intentions," while the category will be allowed to stand, Rivergirl's objection on the basis that they are not a named poster to this forum is considered, "well taken"; and, the I.W.C., Cancun, while undoubtedly well intentioned, is disqualified for the reasons stated, and will not be considered further for an award. The category, "Good Intentions," remains open to nominations.

    Regarding the second point, it is the considered judgment of the Rules Committee that the nominations in the category, "Most Posts," will be allowed to stand, and the category remain open to additional nominations, given that the reference is to most posts by regular contributors to the "Living in Cancun" section of Cancuncare, and not to the website, as a whole.

    Thus saith the Rules Committee of the Academy Awards of Cancuncare, which is not to be confused with the owner, and administrator, of this website, popularly know as "Steve," and who, as you probably know, has been nominated in the "Best Overall" category.
  6. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Ladies and gentlemen, I'm pleased to announce that we've just received another nomination, and naming a new category, that of, "Longest active poster" to the "Living in Cancun" section of Cancuncare. I don't know if they might have meant, "tallest", but I'm guessing they meant the one who's been posting here for the longest period of time.

    And, the nominee is T.J.! (That's a two-fer, T.J.!) :lotsofmichaelf:

    Hmm, looks like that man's got quite a fan base; but, that won't in any way influence the outcome, which is not based on how much noise ones supporters can make, after all.

    This is the second time someone's been nominated for more than one category, but as you'll recall there is no limit set in the rules governing how many times one may be nominated. Frankly, I think he has a better shot at this one than at the category, "Most Posts", in which he'd received the prior nomination, but I'm not the one to judge. Please consider that a personal opinion, only, and not that of the organization. (I must watch better what I say, here....)
  7. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    How nice to be nominated. I had figured to be nominated in a tight 3 way race with V and Rivergirl in the "Most Rambling" category.

    And RG, you have been here too long. Remember the old adage we have in the US in your veiled reference to the one with the most posts who no longer posts, "Innocent until proven guilty."

    And can you use language like fucking bitch on this board? Wow, I did not know that. Although a certain unnamed person asked me if I thought she was one when I ran into her once in Starbucks. The answer was "no" but only as long as she did not think I was a Rat Bastard, which she did not. Then she gave me a cast iron skillet which I use often and for which I am eternally grateful.

    For CUTEST, Cancun Fun gets my vote. No contest.
  8. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    I may be a u-know-what...but I NEVER ramble...
  9. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Well, I need to check my mail more often, because I see there have been some new nominations.

    This first one caused me a little consternation, that of "Cutest Poster," offered by T.J. (in a rather offhand manner, I might add; but, acceptable, nevertheless, as we don't get overly concerned with the form a nomination takes.)

    BUT, I saw several potential problems with this one. First, I was concerned that it sounded "sexist"; especially so, since the nominee to this category was a lady. On reflection, I thought- well, men can also be "cute", in some respect of the word, so it should be alright. A quick check with the Rules Committee confirmed that they didn't see an issue with it.

    That brought me to the second problem, how to judge, when the posters don't offer an image of themselves on the forum; or, they very shyly offer only a back of the head?

    That issue was solved in the case of the potential nominee, Cancun Fun, because she apparently does- which is to say, "posts her image," with no reference intended to what kind of fun she may, or may not, be having.

    However, the matter was not closed, as there were three images of ladies on Cancun Fun's avatar- as you can see and judge, below.


    So, will you please, T.J., point out which of the three you had in mind with your nomination, if you didn't intend some kind of "trifecta"?

    You may state, left/right/or center, and we'll know which of the "Cuties" you are referring to. ("Typos happen", as is often said, even to those who avoid them as carefully as I do!)

    "Cutest Poster" remains open to further nominations, ladies and gentlemen. In making your nominations, please don't overlook the gentlemen. (Next thing you know, we'll see a new avatar out of Mr Avatar for every occasion, with perhaps more revealed than just a bit of forehead, and nose.)

    And, in the category of "Most thoroughly assimilated" (what a mouthful!), we have Isla Zina, recognized as such by the Mexican Government. However, not completely trusting their judgment on much of anything, and for the benefit of others, who may be assimilated, as well, but not formally recognized, this category will be considered broader than that with, "Most thoroughly, informally assimilated," having to do, should anyone have other deserving nominees in mind.

    Finally, we have the formerly nominated,"self-unnominated", Rivergirl, in the category, "Most Humorous without really trying," who, once again, has been nominated to the same category; this time, for her "shitty cat" post. Put in evidence to accompany the nomination is this language taken from her recent post on the subject, which you can read in its entirety in the, "The time has CHANGED", thread.

    Congratulations to the nominees, and may the nominations continue! :michaelf: :bounce3: :wave:
  10. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    So you think I wasn't trying to be funny with my comment about that damn whiny cat? I wasn't being serious, I'll tell you that.

    I would agree that CancunFun is cute (she's on the right).

    But I would like to nominate her, and her beau, for Most Noble Use of Vacation Time. Last week the two of them gave up several vacation days to work at the RAP/CANDi/Vet Ventures/Isla Animals free spay and neuter clinic that happened in Bonfil. Bravo to them for that!
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