That you can pick up at the airport when you land at the Duty Free shop. B-belle.. figure somewhere in there will be a school girl night, sultty rock star, and don't forget the nice clothes for the nights at the speciality resturants. Don't want to get shut out of them.... oh.. and if you are bringing anything recharageable, you might want to pack at lesat one 6 ft extension cord.. then plugs are never where you need them. Jamie
We pack all of the above mentioned.. only thing I would recommed that wasn't listed, (if you're a light sleeper?) is ear plugs!! When the Party's over and you finally crash at?? uhhh 5:00 The pumpin' music starts again at 10:00 am and pounds to your heart rate..ugh!
Great list everybody, agree with everything here. Ear plugs are a must. If you are used to wearing good shades, don't forget a spare pair of sunglasses. Stuff happens. Wife always brings a $3 pool floatie too. She loves to float around all day & flirt with guys that push her buns around the pool. Although...said pool toy usually becomes community property pretty quickly and is used by everybody; sometimes all at once. <poooooof!> :huepfen021::huepfen021::huepfen021:
We need an over size suitcase just for my wifes Candles for you room are a nice touch. There are dimmer lights beside the bed, as well.
A plug in night light is nice for those mid-night staggers to the washroom The extension cord thin is a good idea for all your rechargeables.On batteries the Mexican outgoing security confiscated all my loose rechargables and camera batteries in my check on luggage. Leave your inhibitions at home
we went in Nov, Packed WAY TOOO MUCh! Definately lingerie!! skip bikini bottoms ( thongs work too) skip the bubby keg, just drink more Tequeilla( plus gives you chance to flaunt it at the bar , Also with as much skin and boobs that are "exposed" you probably wont even need the viagra! TRUST ME, HUBBY will do just fine!!!!! So just lather up the sunscreen, wear the skimpiest thing you can, and have a GREAT TIME!!!! Wish we were there with you too. ( seriously, you are in swimsuit most of time, maybe one dress for dinner/club time, and lingerie is a must for both!) That is really all you wil need!!! I'm definately only using carry one next time! Heck maybe just pack it in your purse and you'll be good!!!) :clappyinghappy: